Tuesday, October 27, 2009

How To Get Infinite Health For Dragon Age Origins

pickings Hawaii

Hello dear fans!

Everyday life has caught up with us again - the first two working days are completed.
The first training run after the race was completed this morning - of course with the running group! Once again it was an experience ... However, it will probably still require multiple units to everything from competition to take over:)
Now are about 2 weeks passed and absorbed almost all kinds of information and reports on the race. Still again you get goose bumps when you think it or look at pictures. I just have not seen Katie with the summary of the ARD - made very great and I think that the specific conditions in Hawaii were already well represented. has an indescribable feeling to know that one was also present and may have to endure hardships over him.

now is the time being strict training reduction and regeneration announced, even if it tickles properly:) Next major challenge will be the Hamburg marathon in April next year. A long distance is also planned - where, however, is still not 100% fixed strength.

order you have to give a visual insight into the competition scene, here finally some official pictures :
This picture is taken shortly after Radstart - not so surprised that the guy so behind me tight ascends. It was scary fully on the road ...

This is the most beautiful picture for me - typical of the bike course with the background. Must be on the way gene Hawi - I still see quite good:)
Here I still see quite well when running out - was the first kilometers on Alii Drive to the east ....
As I said - I'm always impressed when I look at the pictures. And the congratulations in the last few days and tuen the rest to properly proud to walk through the area. Once more I realize how many people thought of me and gave me the thumbs down. I thank you for the unique support and am already looking forward to the personal conversations with you!
Always be hailed from the cold, according to Kiel!
Your Iron - Sascha!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How Much Are Disneyland Tickets Through Aaa?

Ironman Hawaii 2009 - 11 hours self-knowledge

Aloha from the self-proclaimed "solar island" Maui!
It is now past two days that I had much time to think about the race and after the rigors. I'm kinda still emotionally "broken" when I talk with Katie about the experiences of that day. I will now even try to grasp everything in words together unnd you thus at least a little insight into the events of my participation in the Ironman Hawaii 2009 to enable:

The day started as my other long-distance - inserts quite early. A View from the balcony was then automatically increase to 45 the pulse 100 beats: the total exchange area was lit and it seemed as if the place wanted to say, today is a special day - a very special one! We extensively and I have breakfast and at 4.15 clock we meet with Rosie and Steffi to trot to the start / finish ... The athletes have really not there early - our two girls, however, want as close as possible to the events to be there and are registered as a helper. Steffi and I get through the early fast through the so-called "Bodymarking" - here is the race number written on the upper arms - a very special atmosphere is here - all are unheimmlich tense and yet you can see the gleam in the eyes of the participants. The helpers here are all great on it - and want to ask from a completely endlessly fun and success ...
As we enter the transition area, receive us our girls and guide us to the "competition equipment":) This is really nice, those are the two so close and us at the pump up the tags to help previously deflated tires. Everything is fine with us - others have somewhat more problems and find flat tires - there is then still remain calm - and that before such a contest ... The rest of the time I sneak it by the always full of expectant transition area, make Photos with and of the stars of the scene, for example, with Mark Allen! He has 6 times the competition can win here ... The current professionals meet all slowly - are devilishly tense. Andreas Raelert I change a few words - we press two fingers crossed for the race. Time passes slowly and then continues to increase the excitement.

clock around 6 am then I'm done, my patrol "Speed Suite" and get my change of clothing for delivery - nothing may lie at the wheels. All you need for the individual disciplines, must reside in the appropriate bags. We make a few pictures with our girls and alone and then it even down to the water.

The crowds throng to the little beach and you can feel the Adrenalien really ... The faces are tense, thoughtful and joyful ... I hit a gel in the mouth and pour some water afterward. The sweet taste I will miss the next hour ... I push myself off one last time with Hilton and Steffi, we wish you a great race and then we will go to water. I swim to the quay wall yet - Kati sitting here with the two other girls. I can still send her a kiss and then I post in the 5 series at the outer left side of the swimming field. As with the 15 minutes early yesterday artenen professionals played the national anthem and then heard at some point the cannon shot. What happened then, I knew not to date, I had heard or read, the ocean turns into a washing machine! Self is in the back rows almost swam recklessly - (identified by a pink bathing cap), especially the women share neat. And not that this chaos eventually ceases. At each buoy, the field is really pulled together and the fight begins again ... A new experience - but one of many that day! The salt in sea water escapes me after a few hundred meters to the spit from his mouth and I long for another Gel. Swimming is all the way really difficult - you have to focus and find his rhythm again and again. After 1:05 hours I am from the water - I'm not as ready as in Frankfurt, but also a little disappointed. I had planned a time of 60 minutes ...
The change works then great. I can wear the long, wet shirt well and sprint out of the dressing tent to my bike where I received my little girl - what a surprise! Just before I run loose is still a kiss:)

In the first few kilometers I will again overtaken by hundreds of athletes. I orient myself to my Ergomo, remain steadfast and turn the first loop to the east. When I was almost finished, I encounter Hilton and Steffi. Good to see they have also come through the proper swimming. Sometime I find myself on this incredibly long drawn then route to the west Hawi. I can press well, hold me back at each mountain, food, me very much. The climb to Hawi the turning point will be all right exhausting. It is several miles uphill - the sun and the temperatures here in addition to an already pulling juice from the legs properly. At the turning point of my working time would look quite passable from - to end my target, the Radsplit to 5:30 fold could.
What then came was certainly dramatic. The distance downhill from Hawi, we are all still with more than 60 km / h hammered down. Those were perhaps 10 km. Then again, the usual topography begins with the many hills and a few curves. In addition, we blässt then receive a steady wind. After another 20 km will be my legs pudding, my arms feel worn on - I can hardly hold on the wheel. I have a hellish slump, I can not explain. And then the wind, the mountains, the sun, the straight road ... I'm pretty much at the end. I hit the same pure two gels and pour me at the following aid stations with liquid. But it is not better. However, there is many around me so - something soothing! I expect every moment of overtaking that of Hilton and Steffi - but should it take ...
I torture myself over an hour without pressure in the legs. Here, I'll call me then again the support of many people in our memories at home. I can imagine, what they think and talk when they now see the split times ... Now and then I have good periods - but overall I feel completely drained. At the marathon I will not even be there. The last few miles then pull into the incredible length. At some point I'm at Energy - by lab - here I have to ! Run I get almost sick. Here overtook me then Hilton - it motivates me briefly and then takes off, as if the race has just begun ...

On the last meters gene Kona we have some momentum, I can gather strength again, I feel a little better. When I then descending from the wheel to feel my legs completely empty - I am moving to somehow change tent, can change relatively quickly and then it on the run course. Quite different as in my previous long distances I have to speak today not to approach too quickly. I have a really bad feeling. Katie, Rosie, and Steffi Thomi me cheering from the side - something that gives energy and I guess the first run loop on the Alii - Drive to the east in attack. Fortunately we had already seen the yes, but my distance is twice as long before. The turning point will not come, but always a new mountain ... There comes the first aid station (Aid - Station). I choose now to go with each and take as much as is. I pour my ice front and back top, water on the head and arms, I grab water sponges. The great cooling feeling does well to 4 minutes, then edited everything is evaporated. It is incredibly hot - I feel all the time, as if I was bursting with heat. After the first 10 km I can not, must insert a short walking breaks. I feel incredibly bad, could cry. What's wrong today? The constant "You looking gooooodddd!" or "Great Job" to the many viewers in this region of the zone can not help me somehow ....
I creep up the Palani Road - go here, but almost all ... My "on-the-fans" wait for me to motivate me - but I am completely on the ground. At this point I can not imagine finishing the race! On the highway I am looking for like-minded people and find Chris - an Australian. After a few word changes is clear that he has the same problem. We decide together to tackle the next few miles. The conversation with him distracts good, I feel it with every Aid - better station. The distance to the inflection of the notorious Energy - Lab runs infinite - just straight ahead again and again this hill ... we still manage. Hilton seems to me then even against relatively early run. At this time it's me again quite good and I am sure I will finish the race. The only question is when ...
I turn with Chris - about half a mile before I still see Steffi - and continuously drink ... get out the way out of the cauldron I do not feel as bad as described by many. This may, however, at my now again are very good shape. I look on the clock, and counting after I choose to now go back on pace for my goal, the "Daylight - Finish" to be achieved. I can raise my pulse again, and now literally flying over the route. Each Aid Station is growing My hope is to make it after all. I have to bite scary to think of the split to just over 8 minutes a mile. I finally get back and the extra motivation. On the horizon I am always looking Steffi - he can not see, unfortunately ...
sprint the last few meters down the Palani Road and I literally overtaking Andrew Low - perhaps you know him from the movie and book "From Junky to Ironman." Now motivate I and he yells that I should walk slowly and enjoy it:) After a left and two right turns I walk on the Alii - Drive to the finish. Hundreds of people scream, cheer - I feel like I'm in heaven ... Just before the goal posts Kati, Rosi, Thomi and Steffi - I clap off, get a kiss and then walk over the moon after 10:54:39 h the goal. This is based Steffi - he's been run 44 seconds before me ... Too bad we have not done together (!).

together with Steffi then I get my medal from the - Kati and the others come to us and we are all in the arms. I've actually done it - I still echoes the comment by the Moderator "You are an Ironman" in the ear ... We enjoy the next few minutes, tell us the experiences from the competition, taking pictures and trap at us from ever again ... Then come the first calls from Germany - really incredible support!
hole, after many wonderful minutes, I still dazed change my bag, the wheel and we make our way to the hotel. True you can not believe it, that one is already through - many are still running on the track at this time!
some point, there are a few quiet minutes to think about the competition and to ultimately stuck in focus following:

This was by far the worst thing I've been through so far in a competition. The two burglaries at Radsplit and running, mental depression, the incredible heat and the wind on the bike I have demanded almost everything. I know now, that we must never give up - even if it is still so bad. People must stay calm, believe in yourself, think of the many people with a cheer, and above all, do not lose sight of the goal!

I did it - "I'm an Ironman" - and with your support!

MANY, MANY THANKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !

Monday, October 12, 2009

How Long Do Allergies Last After Exposure

the road again ...

Hello there in the distance!

I can imagine that you wanted to read the report about the race - unfortunately I did yesterday somehow found the time to concern myself with. It simply was too much going on ...
First we picked up the official pictures, then we have times really just hung (hang loose:)) and then the evening was the Awards - Party with anschliesender unofficial party at LuLu's - probably the single "Discotheque" here in Kona .. . All very funny, exciting and emotional ... Now we eat breakfast in the fast Lava Java, and then it is also equal to the airport and off to Maui - olé!

We will get back from there - and then you'll have the detailed report!

Please excuse the delay!

Aloha from Kona!

Kati and Sascha

Sunday, October 11, 2009

What Is Pokemon Pure Silver?

The Day After ....

Aloha your over there in faraway Germany ...

First of thanks for this truly incredible support and the congratulations!
Your thoughts have made me this mad race to survive and fly above all in the last kilometers again right can ... But more on that later.

It was all in all, the biggest challenge in my previous triathlon - life. You can not describe this incredible burden of the temperatures and the wind which we almost the entire rear section of the counter Radsplits blew ... The run was an absolute horror - at least at the beginning and I could not imagine finishing the thing at all. I had to take a fairly long walking breaks and then I did with a like-minded people together and spent the next 20 km. Eventually came back, the will and the strength and I could really open the throttle - just as I am used to ... The desire to go through the target in daylight, I was then, and ultimately it has vorangetriben yes then gklappt - just the pure Wahnisnn!

What I take is that can happen with such a long race and anything can also back again can come - you have to just believe and stay calm!

Thanks again for the support - I'm so happy to read the many comments!

follows a detailed race report!

now reads: "You are an Ironman" - and you get goose bumps:)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Diy Martial Arts Belt Display Rack

The final hours ...

Today, Friday, we can take it already quiet - and done so on:)

The massage was great and has worked ... I can start moving again completely free of pain ... My hope for a good competition again is slightly increased.

This afternoon the wind picked up extreme - since one can only hope that the tomorrow is not as well or if it really until later in the day. Steffi has a bit earlier in the afternoon the wheel and the change - checked bag - I'm against 16 clock. Everything went smoothly - super organized! Crazy, is the pure push the wheel about 20 people seated and the mark of the various bike parts, helmets, cycling shoes, etc. write - only after the fact to represent them a percentage distribution can ... Now we are definitely serious - and just over 12 hours and we want to ... The girls must have been at 4.30 clock on the ground - after they are registered as an assistant ... For us, the race day begins at 4.45 with the clock and then Bodymarking we to wait endless minutes until it finally go ... I do not like to think about it ...

I / we thank you for the nice comments and the frenzied support from the distant home country ... You get goose bumps when you read it:)

tomorrow I'll have enough time to give me all your wishes again to recall!

Aloha and Hang Loose ...

4 Weeks Pregnant Pulsating

The calm before the storm

It is Friday morning and the rest here in Kona is scary - all seem somehow at the competition ... Hardly anyone can be seen on the swim ... Most sit as we rest in cafes and off - at least physically:)

are my competition utensils packed - always goes to all again in thoughts - forget just nothing ... This morning I'm still more time to put on my long-sleeved white top part practiced - if it's wet, it's quite good and I bring myself to invest the additional 30 seconds ... I hope for a slightly better sun protection and good cooling when I cannot liquid on it ... we stuff ourselves again properly at the breakfast buffet full stomach - one last time .. take the same time we have breakfast for tomorrow morning with - we have not yet down:)

Today I have a lunch appointment with a massage - I hope it suggests something - I always pull in my right thigh ...
Slowly I'm really excited:) After all the sightseeing of the last days I have my goals into perspective for the competition strongly: "Daylight - Finish" is a must! This means to stay under 11 hours! The bike and run course is so impressive, I must force myself to think postive and let there be no fear ... I always ask myself to the finish in front - I hope this helps in really difficult times for tomorrow's race! Of course, it certainly helps to know also, that so many at home and I think we and cheer us in the distance ... I'm going to the lead in the race probably more often in mind:) A great feeling to know that so many think of us!

Now we are preparing ourselves slowly to the "Check In" all the competition - things right - I will make about 16:30 local time the cycling - until then I'm certainly more than once went from excitement to the toilet:)

Finally, once the crucial information:


Sascha: 1460

Stefan: 762

Start CET: note clock 19 (please - Was expected to start with only 11 hours time difference)

Internet address:

We wish you much fun at the party! Thank you for the incredible support!


Katie and Sasha, Rosie and Stefan!

Macbeth Today's Issue

Last physical activities

yesterday - on Thursday morning - we are feeling with all the other starters were still swimming times short - a mad run-... Even the pros like Faris and Andrew Low even join in - we're talking, of course, both directly and take pictures ... Then they can no longer save for a few minutes from the crowd:)
swim was great - you get used to something in the salt and the, albeit small, of waves. On the way back you have to watch pretty, not with out floating "enemies" to explode kollo - really a lot going on in the water.
Then we make "fine" - the "Underpants - Run" is completed to ... Some have risen extra nice panties ... We then choose but rather the "Standard - version" ... So we do not fall on, but were still of some colleagues addressed and have exchanged phone numbers:). This year, unusually high number of participants - a great experience:) Most things you see everywhere, toned body - because you can sometimes get scared - especially when the same band color to see - it indicates the start the one in the same AK :) On the way back we once again with the fair and shower us with different gifts.

the afternoon we use the training period, and go to a really great beach - so how it is imagined - with palm trees, clear blue water, great surf ... We are thrilled ... The tip of Dirk was great:) When we are in the water, we swim with a Turtle - Kati has easily frightened, when she shows up next to us very close ... Ultimately, an incredible experience:) We enjoy the remoteness of the beach to the fullest - each in his own way: the athletes are in the shadows and go through the competition in mind, the girls in the sun ... By 17 clock we start our way back through the lava - landscape - it looks like on the moon:) mountain behind Kona the whole day a huge dark rain cloud that lies - on the coast is not some Goats drop of water from the sky - crazy.
The day will be included in an Italian Carbo - Loading fade ... In my mind I'm the whole time at the competition - let's see how it is tomorrow:)

Greetings from Kona

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Public Toilet Gay Cruising

first and last cycle training on Wednesday

On Wednesday we have it then not stand any more - but the training plan has also given away: Cycling , just over 1 1 / 2 hours ... After extensive breakfast I'm going to Steffi. However, we have not come far: Steffi just had to again test his dexterity and fix one or two flat tires ...

were determined after 20 minutes we then for about an hour on the bike and the long route towards Hawi ironed. The sun bratzte properly and wind was there - but relatively low for this country. We could not press well and the water was the only way out of the helmet! Very impressive, this seemingly endless straight line with the many hills ... The track is full of growing with other athletes and the tension. As you will feel comfortable in the competition here?
Anschliesend we are still in an easterly direction on the way - want to watch the turning point in running. That was important - I did not think that this section is so long. Than 8 km are in one direction - that we underestimate fast ...
The girls are all morning at the pool and can be neat tan from the sun - when we come back, they are hardly recognizable:)

then goes to Regestrierung - a great moment and it will be warmly welcomed and always already motivated ... Now it becomes apparent that no longer can all take too long:) We then use this opportunity to meet us with all sorts of IRONMAN - Stuff one - Steffi is hard to stop ...

When we're done we go to the tanned girls nor the Turtle - Beach. Unfortunately, quite a strong wind come up and the water is churned up properly. We still go in and be able to see some fish, and almost touch ... Turtles Unfortunately, we see only from the country. The water here is sometimes so flat that you all just to soak in order not to cut the stones and coral. Unfortunately, it happened yet - especially Katie has nice cuts at the big toe: (What a tip:) Anyway - it was still funny ... In the evening we meet with Hilton and Anne and eat dinner together - very close to the water and in the best of Hawaiian music and dance ... Another exciting day in Hawaii is ending ...

Greetings to home!

Kati and Sascha

How Much Is A New Refrigerator Thermostat

Moin your loved ones in Germany!

I finally found some time to get back to writing - somehow you have to do all the time was:)

On Tuesday we are like already written to the Volcano Natinal Park down. On the way back and it has been raining ever - something different than sun ... No matter what the weather report writing - here in Kona, it is almost always a good 30 - 35 ° C and the last two days were few clouds in the sky. A good taste of the Saturday ...

The volcano itself was super impressive - even if we could see lava themselves. From every crevice there beaming and the sulfur smell was interesting:)
Unfortunately we had little time to stay longer at the volcano - was the clock by 17 nations parade scheduled - because we wanted to be there. Really was not much going on - especially countries such as Egypt and Finland, with only one participant to look up doing something more ... is Germany with 227 participants in second place behind the Yanks ...
The rest of the evening we round off quite comfortable - to depend on the Lava Java ... Simply beautiful with all the other crazies here. You can feel the tension:)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Coughing Out Green Mucus

On Tuesday, the first day

The Monday began very early - Somehow could not really sleep ... At 6 clock we went out of bed and start swimming. We were not the only ones - many professionals give here the honor - but much more Agegrouper throw themselves at this early time in just over 25 ° C warm Pacific. You have to get used to it - very high salt content, high temperature and then the waves - even if small. I'm using today's swim for the last unit of length and swimming to just before the Wendeboie and realize that there are already special circumstances here: The water, dried properly in the mouth and the normal abrasions are known by the salt into mature skin irritations. On race day there must necessarily Vaseline it! Overall a good final training.

then here for the breakfast - make up the 3-5 of the plate, we are a bit tired. Then briefly by Kona and then to the car rental. From there we start our tour route. I'm very impressed after just a few kilometers . Not only that it winds properly and the sun burns - including many lengthy hill I had not anticipated. But somehow, the good 1500 meters on the track so come together. In addition, the road is really like a ruler drawn - only 4-5 turns around the track speak volumes. This is physically and mentally challenging - we really aware of me again. We constantly go to athletes by on wheels and tingling in the legs well - but we still need something to regenerate and on Wednesday we will be a go-around.
On the way back we stop at the largest cattle ranch in North America - but is closed on Mondays. However, it was interesting. In Kona I can still buy the lack of competition clothing - now everything is perfect!

now - on Tuesday morning - we sit in the Lava Java - the angsagten Cafe here in Kona. Along with Stadler and Bracht, we enjoy the Kona coffee and watch the dolphins. Wonderful.

Today, we go to the volcano and in the evening Nations - Parade. Let's see how it is.

nice day or night:)

Kati and Sascha